
PG电子试玩平台致力于建立一个多元化的, 充满活力的教育社区以欣赏他人为基础, 思想开放,尊重他人. The university was founded on the principle that access to education is a right for everyone. 作为我们对包容性卓越和教育公平承诺的一部分, 天普坚持认为,每一个学生, 教职员工 member’s voice and experiences count and are equally integral to who we are. 

It is our shared responsibility to enhance the quality of life for everyone at Temple. We provide a safe, 支持和欢迎成长的环境, learn and work, 从而认识到作为圣殿社区一部分的变革力量. All students and all members of the Temple community are encouraged to be who they are without fear or judgment.

邓波儿谴责一切形式的歧视, 包括所有反犹分子, 种族主义或煽动性语言, hate speech, 呼吁暴力, 以及基于宗教对任何人的贬低, nationality, race, gender, 性取向或性身份. 


我们全校范围的倡议, 学术项目, resources and research are rooted in equality and empathy so that everyone has the support and resources they need during their time here. 每个人都应该有做自己的权利, 对新体验持开放态度,成为解决紧迫挑战的一部分, 当学生们在这里的时候,我们是他们最大的支持者. 

To do this, Temple emphasizes and welcomes authentic conversations about real problems on our campuses, 全国乃至全世界, 我们相信这是打开, 包容和安全的校园环境. 随着时间的推移,我们不断发展,以解决重要的问题,并做出必要的改变.  

了解更多关于大学活动的信息, programs, 资源及服务 intended to help everyone feel safe and free to find their place at Temple.


2020年,邓波儿承诺100万美元用于打击种族主义. 这是我们的承诺,我们将找到解决校园种族主义问题的新方法, 在费城和整个社会. 

我们的举措包括校园反种族主义培训和 核心课程变化,再投资反种族主义教育,创造 反种族主义中心, prioritizing recruitment and retention of faculty and employees of color, establishing a 北费城青年的桥梁项目 创造更好的高等教育途径,以及更多. 


Led by Timothy Welbeck, a civil rights attorney and associate professor in the Department of Africology and African American Studies at Temple, 该中心寻求解决种族不平等和不公正的问题. It opened on Nov. 14, 2022, and it is the focal point of the university’s research in this area as well as a home for collaboration among scholars from across Temple and other universities. 


The Office of 机构多样性、公平、倡导和领导 (IDEAL); Title IX; and 机会均等 comprise IDEAL, 它旨在吸引和赋予我们不断发展的学生群体力量, 教职员工. 


我们知道,对我们的学生来说,进入大学是一项挑战. We provide support systems and resources to help students manage the demands of college and set them on a pathway for success. 了解更多关于坦普尔的健康和福利部门.


Temple prioritizes the right for people of all abilities to fully participate in the university’s programs, 资源及服务, 我们努力确保学生在我们的校园里有一个公平的经历.


Global Engagement 

坦普尔社区由来自世界各地的学生组成——大约3人,000名国际学生在PG电子试玩平台学习. 我们的国际学生在这里总是有一个家.

PG电子试玩平台的全球参与办公室招收了一个多元化的国际学生群体, ensures that international students have the needed resources and support for success, 并鼓励学生出国留学.


The #YouAreWelcomeHere scholarship is one of the financial awards offered at Temple for international students. Each year, it recognizes two first-year international students with a vision for enhancing intercultural understanding with an annual, 可再生的奖学金.


通过OWL连接, you can find student organizations and opportunities that help you discover and engage with peers, 与你的个人目标和价值观保持一致, 发展和扩大你的兴趣, 领导对你来说很重要的项目, 更多地参与校园和费城的活动.